Are you ready to become a farmer? Then this is the course
for you!
This free, six-week workshop series is joint project between CLEDA, the USDA, and the NRCS
to offer an overview on how to start a small farming operation. Topic areas include how to
create a business plan for your farm, record keeping, how to grow crops, how to test your
soil, how to know when to plant, and how to market your yield.
The first course of this workshop will be on Tuesday, September 27 and continue through the
next 5 Tuesdays- October 4, 11, 18, 25, and Nov. 1 from 5:30 pm till 8 pm. These courses are
generally aimed at new and beginning farmers but existing farmers can benefit from each of
the courses as well:
September 27: Assessment of your small farm dream (Why do you want to be a
farmer?)- This course will help those interested evaluate their farm
goals, vision, knowledge and skills, available time, level of production, and
October 4: Researching the landscape (Get to know your land and what it is
good at) - This course teaches participants to research and get a feel
for what they are working with, i.e. soil quality and water quality kits collected,
market research, what they want to grow, potential revenues, and talking to existing
farmers about scale, inputs, market development, who are you looking to sell to,
October 11: Developing a Farm Business Plan and Enterprise budgets (A farm
is only as strong as its plan) - This course will review the importance
of developing a farm business plan, how to do it, what is involved, and the impact a
good business plan can have on a farming operation. We will also go over how to
develop enterprise budgets and examples of existing budgets.
October 18: Markets and Presentation (Who are you going to sell to tomorrow,
next year, five years from now?)- This course will review what farm
certifications are available, when they are right for the farm, how to gauge if
certification is worth it to the farm and how to market the farm via news, social
media, branding, etc…
October 25: Assess your resources (What are you working with and what do you
need?)- This course helps participants review what they have available
to run a small farm business- financially, physically, and other start-up costs.
This workshop will also include information on land acquisition.
November 1: Making decisions and next steps (Ready? Set? Go!)- In
this course participants will learn about different farming approaches (high tunnel
farming, hydroponic, organic, etc…), review their research, plan their next steps,
and create an action plan/calendar. After course completion, participants will
receive follow-up training and consulting as they launch their farming operations.
Given the time the workshops take place, dinner will be provided.