It matters because we eat. All of us.
It matters because not all of us have enough to eat.
It matters because farmers and ranchers are a significant resource that we can’t afford to lose.
It matters because agriculture has a long history in central Louisiana, and it should have a brilliant future too.
It matters because we lose when we import food that we can grow locally. We lose economically, and more than likely, we lose nutritionally too.
Community-based food systems represent a promising avenue for economic growth in rural communities through the creation of new, or the enhancement of, existing jobs and businesses.
With appropriately targeted policies and supportive services, these opportunities can advance the economic and financial security of under-resourced households and communities.
The development of regional, community-based food systems not only contribute direct economic benefits to the community, but can also open the door for improved access to healthy food. Access to healthy food has been shown to increase consumption of healthy food. Consuming healthy food can drive positive outcomes that improve public health; which in turn results in a more productive workforce.
Additionally, investments in local and regional food systems combat structural inequities, within both the food system and society at large, by developing pathways for underserved communities to build and acquire capital resources.
The US food supply only has enough produce for Americans to eat 1¼ cups of Vegetables, and 1 cup of fruits each day. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 2½ cups of Vegetables and 2 cups of fruit each day. 
Not eating enough fruits and vegetables causes 17% of US deaths.
No one should die because of low fruit and vegetable intake.
Community-based food systems matter.

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