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Avoyelles school system may seek unitary status for transportation in deseg case

Committees are working toward progress on Avoyelles Parish school desegregation, and officials hope that transportation improvements could give the district its first "Green Factor" compliance. The progress is the result of a combination of factors, including policy changes that gave school principals more latitude on disciplinary action over student infractions.   Full article.


Jindal: Infrastructure improvements give Cenla a boost

Gov. Jindal recently spoke to the Grant Parish Chamber of Commerce and indicated that investments in infrastructure are paying off in Central Louisiana and throughout the state. Jindal noted that since he took office in January 2008, he led investments totaling more than $3.5 billion in state and federal funds in transportation and road projects, which is more than the past three governors combined during the same period of time. Full Article.  


Alexandria Awarded $500,000 Grant

The Louisiana Recovery Authority awarded the city of Alexandria $567,000 to spend on infrastructure. Alexandria will use the grant money to create the Alexandria Community Resiliency Program, which will focus on drainage, transportation and land use. Alexandria's grant was the second largest awarded in the state. Full Article.


USDA Official Gathers Local Opinions, Feedback

In response to the President’s request for citizen opinions on how to create jobs, participants from a variety of agencies and organizations in LA met in Alexandria to discuss infrastructure, from the need for better transportation to what can be done to develop more production-ready sites. Full Article.


Summit Aims to Move LA’s Freight Transportation System Forward

LA DOTD and LA Econ. Dev. Organizations are holding a two-day summit to examine ways of improving the freight transportation system in LA to better facilitate business development and economic growth. Full Article


DeRidder Bypass Could Help Fort Polk Access Lake Charles Port

The Leesville Daily Leader is reporting that a highway bypass for DeRidder could make it easier for Fort Polk to use the Port of Lake Charles. According to State Representative James Armes, "Fort Polk has been using the Port of Beaumont for all its shipping needs.



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       Intermodal Transportation refers to freight movement that uses more than one mode of transportation (i.e. rail, ship, truck). Companies  load the freight into containers, and from that point on, the goods never leave the container between transfers from one mode to another.

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Cenla Infrastructure

Cenla Infrastructure
Infrastructure is an important part of every community.  This portion of the website provides updates on the latest advances in technology, transportation and related areas.  As new data becomes available, it will be verified for accuracy, then posted to the website.

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