

10 Simple Google Search Tricks

There are several features you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Some of the most popular are using “site” operator to limit searches to a particular site, using Google as a spelling aid, and as a calculator. View list.  


Shreveport, Bossier City make bids for Google Fiber

Both Shreveport and Bossier City opted out of publicity stunts in favor of quietly joining the ranks of municipalities in the running for Google's plan to hook Americans up to super high speed Internet. Technology reporters and bloggers estimate some 1,100 locations are vying for a spot among the 50,000 to 500,000 residents that will be part of the Google Fiber for Communities network. Full Article.


Google honors Topeka name change by changing it’s name on April 1 to Topeka

Early last month the mayor of Topeka, Kansas stunned the world by announcing that his city was changing its name to Google. We’ve been wondering ever since how best to honor that moving gesture. Today we are pleased to announce that as of 1AM (Central Daylight Time) April 1st, Google has officially changed our name to Topeka. Full April 1st Article.


Mayor antics to win Google Broadband bid get crazier

The mayor of Duluth, Minn., threw himself into the ice-ringed waters of Lake Superior, the mayor of Sarasota, Fla., immersed himself in a tank filled with bonnethead sharks, the mayor of Wilmington, N.C., said that he would even jump out of an airplane – all to get Google’s attention. Google has said it plans to build — at no charge — an ultra-high-speed broadband network for 50,000 to 500,000 customers in one or more American cities. Full Article. 


No ‘Baton Roogle’ planned for Google bid

In Baton Rouge, officials coordinating the drive to bring Google’s high-speed Internet access to town indicated they would not rename the city to get the company’s attention. “We’re not going to rename it ‘Baton Roogle.’ Full Article.


Topeka Changes Name for One Month for Google Bid

Topeka, Kansas is changing its name to "Google" for the month of March in an effort to get the search giant to bring its ultra-fast fiber-optic service to the city. Topeka leaders and technology officials have aggressively promoted their city for the Google Fiber service. Full Article.


Google Set to Showcase Fast Internet

Google recently announced that it would offer ultrahigh-speed Internet access in some communities in a test that could showcase what would be possible if the United States had faster broadband networks. Full Article.


Mobile Industry Strikes Back at Google and Apple

Feb 16, 2010 – Twenty-Four operators that included AT&T, Verizon, Telefónica and others, announced the formation of an alliance to build an “open platform” to deliver applications to all mobile phone users. The goal of the Wholesale Applications Community is to establish a simple route to market for developers to deliver applications and services to a wider customer. Full Article.


Facebook Could Transform Mobile Phones

Facebook is clearly leading the pack in the mobile Internet race. In December—in Britain alone—it racked up 5 million mobile users, against 4.5 million for all of Google's sites combined. Many mobile industry analysts wonder how long it will be happy to work within another company's idea of how a mobile device should look and feel. Full Article.


Apple vs. Google: It’s all About the Data

Why would Apple consider replacing the world's most popular search engine with Microsoft's Bing? It all comes down to data acquisition. If Google can't get the same kind of data as people shift their computing to the iPhone and other mobile devices, Google risks losing its edge in search. Full Article.

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