
Measurements for an Entrepreneurial Economy

The Kauffman Foundation is devoted to entrepreneurship in the United States. Each year the Foundation publishes an Index of Entrepreneurial Activity. The 2008 report covers the period from 1996-2008.


Louisiana ranks in the middle group of states according to the Index. The highest ranking states for entrepreneurial activity in 2008 were Georgia, New Mexico, Montana, Arizona, Alaska and California. The lowest ranking states were Pennsylvania, Missouri, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Iowa and Ohio. Louisiana ranked 34th.


When the fifteen largest metropolitan areas were analyzed, Atlanta ranked first and Philadelphia last (matching up perfectly with their respective states' performances.


CAP sees entrepreneurship as a vital component of Central Louisiana's future prosperity. Our entrepreneurs will have a great deal to say about how prosperous we are, what we look like and how fast we grow. Most of the great regional economic development success stories of the past fifty years (Silicon Valley, Research Triangle, etc.) are very much a product of the decisions and accomplishments of their entrepreneurs.


The Entrepreneurial League System of Central Louisiana is the centerpiece of what CAP hopes will become a fully realized entrepreneurial development system. ELS provides direct business coaching and support to more than 70 Cenla entrepreneurs. Since joining ELS, those entrepreneurs have created about 284 new jobs and have revenue increases totaling more than $37 million.


We have now added more networking opportunities in the form of Entrepreneurial Resource Fairs, more educational opportunities such as Entrepreneurship 101 and 201, and more access to capital. We see these things (and others, such as a renewed focus on entrepreneurship at the Central Louisiana Business Incubator) as leading us to a truly entrepreneurial economy in Central Louisiana.


We want this to be known as the best place in the nation to start and grow a new business. If we succeed, we should also drive those Kauffman Index numbers way up.



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