
Crusader for Syntactic Disambiguation Exprobrates Banks' Labored Locutions

What??  (or if you were texting...WTF)  This interesting read from the Wall Street Journal really points out the need for clean, clear and concise business communications.  Do your customers know what you are talking about when you print your ads, pamphlets or web pages?  Are your contracts understandable?  Your sales terms?  This small bit of polish on your communications with your customers may make the difference between making a sale or not.

My Technical Writing class in college had a grading scale of 100-98 A, 97-94 B, etc.  With a scale like that you could not miss anything without harming your grade point.  The use of bullets and white space was drilled into us as ways to foster understanding. 

So, in business, leave the flowing text, legalize and flowery language for the prose, legal documents and poetry.  Opt instead for simplicity to enhance your communications with your customers, employees and business associates.


Lather Rinse Repeat

Lather Rinse Repeat

I'm dense, I don't get the

I'm dense, I don't get the joke...

Example of most concise,

Example of most concise, succinct directions I know. Short, concise, to the point!

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